The Future of Car Design: From Biodegradable Interiors to Electric Skateboards

The automotive industry is constantly evolving, with new technologies and designs emerging all the time. The future of car design is shaping up to be an exciting one, with a focus on sustainability, innovation, and convenience. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most promising trends in car design that are likely to shape the future of the industry.

Biodegradable Interiors

As concerns about sustainability continue to grow, the use of biodegradable materials in car design is becoming more common. One area where this trend is particularly evident is in car interiors, where manufacturers are exploring new materials that can replace traditional plastics and synthetic fabrics. For example, some car makers are using materials made from plant fibers and other natural materials that are biodegradable, recyclable, and sustainable.

Augmented Reality Displays

Augmented reality (AR) technology is starting to make its way into car design, offering new ways to interact with your vehicle and its features. With AR displays, drivers can see important information overlaid on the road ahead, such as directions, traffic alerts, and even weather conditions. This technology can also be used to enhance the driving experience, with virtual driving assistants that can help you navigate tricky roads or give you tips on how to improve your driving skills.

Electric Skateboards and Scooters

One of the most exciting trends in car design is the integration of electric skateboards and scooters into the vehicles themselves. This innovation is already happening with some manufacturers, who are including built-in skateboard and scooter storage compartments in their vehicles. This trend reflects a growing interest in alternative forms of transportation and the desire for more sustainable and convenient ways to get around.

Self-Driving Cars

The development of self-driving cars has been one of the most closely watched trends in car design in recent years. These vehicles use advanced sensors, cameras, and artificial intelligence technology to navigate roads and make decisions without human intervention. While fully autonomous cars are still a ways off, some car makers are already offering partially autonomous features like automatic parking and lane-keeping assistance. As this technology continues to improve, it is likely that self-driving cars will become more common on our roads in the years to come.


The future of car design is a bright one, with new technologies and designs emerging all the time. From biodegradable interiors to electric skateboards and self-driving cars, there are many exciting trends shaping the future of the automotive industry. As consumers demand more sustainable and convenient transportation options, car makers are rising to the challenge with innovative new designs that are sure to capture our imaginations and transform the way we think about cars.



Mandel is a designer of technology products. He is passionate about creating intuitive and beautiful user experiences. When he's not designing, Barbara enjoys spending time with his wife and two young children. He also likes skiing, biking, and hiking in the beautiful Colorado Rockies.

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